After Almost 2 Years of facing each other the northwest couloir of the Ahorn had to be done. the time was right. Ibk Matti came out with Scotland Steve & Aussi Hary // all geared up with Splits & Landjäger.
Unfortunatly we had to down a little face before the actual hike started.
Matti buttering that Breaki Line ++ steeezy as usual
Skins up and Steve rolled out his KangarooLeatherTop.awesome.
After some dirtytitsandasstalks we is skinning up that bowl
trying to look like having a plan up on the boulder shoulder
Cheers bro.. down with the Amplid Morning Split
step by step on da rigdeningen
Mathias Steinhuber: „holy f++k what a day! diese tour hat alles, was dem ahorn.spitzen freerideshredzhead die freudentränen in die augen treibt ! splitten, kraxeln, sketchy ridgewalk, abseilen, ewig langer, steiler powderrun durch die wahrscheinlich fetteste hollywoodrinne im zillertal, ein paar pillows, ein kleiner waldspaziergang, ein großes bier – A.horny day for A.horny crew – and a happy ending. BoOOom! „
Down it
Rope off & enjoying every turn down to the Weizen… fock Yiiaaaaaaa